The Psychobiology of Mind Body Healing

The New Concepts of Therapeutic Hypnosis
Revised Edition

by Ernest L. Rossi, PhD

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A rare treasure, scholarly and engaging, by one of the most brilliant scientists and therapists of our time. Ernest Rossi presents a framework for healing that encompasses the latest advances in neurobiology, information processing, wave energy medicine, and hypnosis. His theories of state dependent learning, memory, and behavior is a powerful model explaining the mechanics of consciousness and the elegant subtleties of the therapeutic process. This book is a must for all professionals in the field of mind-body medicine.

—Joan Borysenko, PhD
President, Mind/Body Health Services, Inc.
Author, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

In this new edition Ernest Rossi continues to explore, synthesize, and integrate findings in the area of mind-body healing, not only across disciplines, but across time. He both provides an excellent review of early mind body constructs and also brings new interpretations to those constructs, employing contemporary neuroscience data. It is rare to find such a sensitive clinician who can also elucidate the meaning of literature in the fields of biological and neurosciences for psychotherapy, outlining practical therapeutic suggestions for clinicians working in the area of mind body healing. This is an excellent book, and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in having a comprehensive, integrative model for understanding the complex field of mind-body medicine.

—Howard Hall, PhD, PsyD
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Cleveland, Ohio