Embody Serenity
Creating Consciousness
How Therapists can Facilitate Wonder, Wisdom, Truth and Beauty:
Selected Papers of Ernest Lawrence Rossi, PhD, Volume Two, 2006-2012
by Ernest Rossi (edited by Kathryn Rossi)
This book is available through Amazon.com or The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press.
Building upon the foundation laid in The Breakout Heuristic Ernest Rossi boldly confronts the essential questions about what is it that makes us human:
What is consciousness?
How do we create consciousness?
How do we facilitate enlightened consciousness in our daily work?
Rossi first presents core neuroscience research detailing how novelty, enrichment, and the “wonder” of metacognition turns on activity-dependent gene expression and brain plasticity to grow a better brain — in everyday life as well as the arts, culture, humanities, and sciences. Next, experience actual case histories and scripts detailing how we create new consciousness with the 4-stage creative process in our daily work.
This richly illustrated book is a brilliant extension of what it means to be a psychotherapist who creates new consciousness, with profound implications for understanding the struggles and positive possibilities of the human condition during war, work, peace, and enlightenment.