The 20-Minute Break

Reduce Stress, Maximize Performance, Improve Health and Emotional Well-Being
Using the New Science of Ultradian Rhythms

by Ernest Rossi

This book is available through or The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press.

Stress is inherent in our society. Finding new ways to manage stress offers golden opportunities for health, happiness, success and better loving relationships. Nature’s best gift of healing is time. Just imagine this truth: Time can heal you daily and hourly. You CAN harness time to benefit your life to be your best self. The 20-Minute Break is a practical book that shows how the Basic-Rest-Activity Cycle, inherent in chronobiological ultradian rhythms, can be applied to improve health, happiness and emotional well-being daily and hourly. It turns out these special 20-minute intervals are vitally important to well-being.