Creative Choice in Hypnosis

The Seminars, Workshops, and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson, Part 4
Volume 16: Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson, MD

Ernest L. Rossi, PhD, Roxanna Erickson-Klein, PhD and Kathryn Rossi, PhD, Editors

This book is available through The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press.

Our title, Creative Choice in Hypnosis, will seem paradoxical to many prospective readers. It is the reverse of the popular but erroneous view of hypnosis as a method of manipulating and programming others. To understand this paradox, we will explore the fundamental issues of mind-body healing as well as creativity, free will, and manipulation in human affairs. With many rich illustrations from the case histories of the generally acknowledged “master hypnotist” of our time, we will come to grips with provocative questions such as:

  • How is it possible to facilitate free will and creative choice in ourselves and others?
  • How do we reframe problems into opportunities and illness into health?
  • How do we convert negative attitudes associated with learning problems, obesity, stuttering, chronic pain, sexual dysfunctions, and a variety of obsessive-compulsive habits into positive possibilities for cure?
  • How do we make children obey? That is, how do we help children deal happily and effectively with their own difficulties?
  • What is the Zen of therapeutic suggestion? Can enlightenment come from the barrel of a double bind?